Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hansel and Gretel Lost In The Woods?

I had just vacuumed the floors.
So what was this mysterious trail that lead through my kitchen to the closed door of the toy closet?

It got bigger the closer I got...

I was wondering where my jar of egg shells ended up!

A jar that was once full!

Oh "Hansel".....
enjoy your egg shell play....
because tomorrow "The Witch"  "Grammie Gretel" will do a better job of hiding them!

(I saved egg shells to add to my garden soil...
until I found out our dog dug up the garden soil to eat the shells!)

1 comment:

Joanne Lendaro said...

I could eat that little guy up-HE IS SOOOOOO CUTE!! Clueless about the rest of the story once I got to that adorable little face!! Hope you had a wonderful time with him!