Monday, May 23, 2011

The Time Has Come

I don't mind when he does this...
because obviously the dog doesn't.

I don't even mind when he does this....
 I scrub the floor frequently.

But when he thinks he is going to share the dog's pillow....
the time has definitely come to buy a new one!!!

We just can't keep our dog out of the lake....
or from rolling in anything dead she finds...
or from eating socks....
this is why she is confined to one area of our house!
She has recovered from her glove removal surgery last month....we hope to never go through that again!

She is going to love her new pillow....
but so will Friendie.....
oh well....I guess a boy needs his dog....
and a dog needs his boy.


Betty Lou said...

A boy and his dog, can't beat love like that. Hugs

Lori said...

Too cute!! They seem to be good buds.